Goldcliff lagoons area is part of the Newport Wetlands Nature Reserve.




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The Goldcliff lagoons area is part of the Newport Wetlands Reserve which is maintained mainly by Natural Resources Wales (NRW).

The Friends of Goldcliff Lagoons (FoGL) is a group of enthusiastic birders keen to help to improve and maintain facilities at this section of the Reserve.

Recent Photograph

Recent photograph at Goldcliff

Monk's lagoon

Monk's lagoon at Goldcliff

Whooper Swan on Monk's lagoon 2016

Whooper Swan on Monk's lagoon 2016

Herons on Prior's lagoon 2016

Herons on Prior's lagoon 2016
Lapwing viewing platform has been removed. Snipe and Marsh platforms upgraded.

Merlin photo taken by Nev Davies

Please could you support plans on hedgehog survival by copying the below link and answering the questions:

28th June 
75 Turnstone on Becs some in BP

Recent Sightings

2024 July

Main Contributors to Sightings

Plus many others. If anyone feels left out of the above list, please get in contact.